Friday, May 20, 2011


I know it's so usual but... I really, wish I loved work. Why is it I couldn't posess the ability to kick butt at customer service and influence people to buy AT LEAST three items and get them to open a credit card.

I guess I probably know why.

Deep down, I don't want people wasting their money at a clothing store. This is NOT saying that I do not support buying clothes. I sure do, because I don't want to see any naked people. What I'm saying is people spend and spend and spend on things that already have, and don't need.

I can't sell anybody credit cards because I just think it sucks. And through all this Dave Ramsey teaching, it's just not the way. The company, however, is making a super smart decision. People spend more when they have debit cards or credit cards (credit cards because they don't really even have the money in the first place). I cannot sell a credit card with a clear conscious.

I believe I have been doing pretty good though with selling clothes, and almost all of the clients I work with, go out of that store with something. But still, I have this inkling from my boss that I'm not doing as well as I should be at this point. I am falling behind.
So why do I feel like I need to stay where I'm working? It's just so weird. I got a call from another job to come in and do a questionare to proceed with an interview, but I just... don't feel right about it...
But then again... I feel like crud where I'm at, and I'm just as confused staying.


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