Friday, April 29, 2011


Today, we learned about some statistics with marriage, some of which I already knew.
I did not know though that you're at a risk of divorce if marrying 20 or under. The only reason why I kinda care about this, is because Hubby and I were both 20 when we got married. SO. Causes for divorce around this time? Money and the fact that brains don't fully develop until 21 (I thought this fact was different for the genders. Men's brains taking longer than women's... But I guess I'll look that up).

Even though going into our marriage Hubby and I knew we were going to pretty poor, we had a plan. Our plan was to work part time so we'll be able to go to school full time, and get financial aid to make up for the money we won't be making. However, AFTER getting married we took a financial class (Why or why didn't we BEFORE, I don't know). While learning about all the money things in America, we realized that it is not a goal to start our life after college with tons of student debt, when our goal is to probably buy a house.
So now, we're even more poor, and a little in debt with one credit card.

But my teacher also brought up another interesting point. Even though the number one cause for divorce is money and sex, there's is always something to keep in mind. Usually, there's an underlying cause for just about everything. So the issues of money and sex, can be really issues of respect and time.
I'm not sure if statistically this means that instead of actually arguing about the sex, you could be arguing about the fact that one (or both) may not be setting aiside for time for it. But in my opinion, it seems like that would be the better route.

Hubby and I had never had arguments on money issues, even though we got married at 20 and have very little of it. Sure, we have had very stressing moments, and I complain a lot about it, and sometimes he wants to buy something that we can't afford so we have to talk about it. But the way I kinda see it, we're getting through most of the worst of the money problems now, and it's strengthening our relationship for more of the worst later. But I can bet that if "money" because an extreme issue for conflict, it's probably something else as well (respect, trust, ect.).

Thanks Hubby for being amazing. :) I know we have so much trust in each other because we have trust in God.

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